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      Corporate website how long backup time?

      2012-07-17 14:42:38 Eastcent Technology 閱讀
           Corporate website the amount of information is generally less MetInfo Enterprise Web Site Management System site backup operation is very simple, we recommend that the user does not need to frequently go to the backup site, generally only need to do a few you can:
      1. The site initial installation, initial configuration, and add basic content of the backup database and the entire station package downloaded to the local;
      2. 1-3 months backup a database update frequency of the site run more information;
      3. If your website images are particularly large, and worry about the space unstable, you can choose 1-2 months backup site to upload files.
      Note: To save space, proposed to delete the backup files on the server when the backup file is downloaded to the local.
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